Wednesday, 2 March 2016

Kauri Camp 1211 2016

1211 Camp Omatua 2016

On Wednesday 24th February Kauri 1211 headed off to Camp Omatua to stay for two nights. We had an enjoyable time being involved in many fun activities: technology challenges, bush bashing and safe river crossing, making cardboard cars for our drive-in movie night and swimming/tubing on the river. 

Many thanks to the camp parents (Natania McCann, Sarah Gambirazzi, Todd Rogers, Shane Chote, Lynn Cox, Kent Morse, Karen Karena, Anna Toki, Amber RogersChristina Ross and also Mr Lowe) who made the camp possible and such an enjoyable time for all. Here is a link to photos highlighting our stay at Camp Omatua


  1. Great Photo Mr Kenny!!!
    It was a real bummer that Seemer and I couldn't go to Camp Omatua.
    Luckily there is a next year.
    But Seemer won't be there, because he would be at Intermidiate.
    :) ;) :D ;D

  2. I think you guys had fun at the pools.
    nice photo Mr Kenny.
